This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Simply Christian - Jesus: Rescue and Renewal Quotes

Page 107 rewrite: "But nobody including Steve Mann in this period supposes that Steve has to suffer, let alone die. Indeed, that is the very opposite of normal expectations."

Page 110 - "He spoke of the Passover cup as containing his own blood. . . .he would be the place where heaven and earth meet."

Page 114 - "Faith can't be forced, but unfaith can be challenged." -- HELLLLLOOOO SANCTIFICATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This statement is the story of my life. This world is a stage upon which all circumstances work perfectly to beat the unfaith out of my sinful heart so that I'd be challenged to faith, hope, and love and exchange momentary afflictions for eternal glory.

I would have mentioned in the paragraph on page 114 about quantam mechanics and the illogical behavior of light (both wave and particle) that Jesus is the light of the world. Philosophically, I still find it very easy to give the creator the right to do unusual, disruptive acts especially when all reality is held up by His word. If as the quantum folks postulate subatomic particles need an observer, if I'm not observing them, who is????? Well now we're back at John 1, in the beginning was the word -- Is it just me or does anyone else ever imagine that if just for an instant God withdrew his observation from creation that it would instantly implode into the nothing from which it emanated??

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing incredible imagery. My mind is all over that last paragraph and the use of quantum (not that I understand it very much) brings me a lot of joy. I like the mind-blowing comparison of waves/particles defined through observation and creation/nothingness defined through observation.
