This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Anyone else instantly have Indiana Jones theme music come to mind when Darrell says "YHWH to the rescue?"

The sermon this morning definitely called to mind the Jon Foreman song "Lord Save Me from Myself" - especially the part about the tenth commandment. At first we seem to take in the first nine so well, but then we sabotage ourselves by breaking the last one!

You shall not covet your neighbor's clothes or electronics or bike or STUFF. You shall not covet your neighbor's popularity or beauty or outward image. And here's the really sneaky stuff: you shall not covet your neighbor's apparent spirituality or servant-heartedness. You shall not covet your neighbor's predisposition for relational ministry or unswerving devotion for the Lord.

A few weeks ago we did a short sermon series in College Life called "Live Free or Die" and I was reminded this morning of one of the lines from the opening talk:

"Freedom is not the absence of restraints but selecting the restraints that accord with our nature and facilitate human flourishing. The Christian paradox of freedom is that it costs your autonomy."

As if we ever had true autonomy in the first place.

Father, would I be enslaved to You and You alone today and not to any other master. And would that be where I find my true freedom. Lord, save me from myself!

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