This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 3(6+1)

6+1... 6+1... Its just vectors! Davis math should be able to figure this one out, right? Nope. He knows so much about me than I will ever understand.

What stuck out to me just as much as finding that 1 is finding those 6. We are designed for 6 days of work. Not just work, but hard work. In the past few weeks I've been trying to sneak a little bit of 1 into each 6, trying to make it more of a (1/7 + 6/7) to the power of 7. In the end I don't do 6 or 1 well at all, and I find myself needing to blog at 3:30AM after 5 hours of homework that would have been done much earlier had I been serious about the 6, and for that matter the 1.

Discipline = Freedom.

Set me free from this rat-raceness that I have subjected myself to. Empower me, correct me, discipline me in the 6 and the 1. Give me the desire for the rest You long for me to experience. May I decide day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, that You are smarter that I. I am not so important that I cannot obey the rhythm of time, may my desire and decisions result in a dramatic change in my attitude towards Your gift of the Sabbath. As I seek You, both in the 6 and especially in the 1, reveal Yourself to me in new and intimate ways. And through all of these Sabbath disciplines, lead me to celebration of Your victory over the powers now rendered powerless. Amen.

Alas, it wouldn't be complete with some lyrical reflection. This one is "Resurrect Me" by Jon Foreman.

"It takes a long time to kill a man
Fifty-five years at least
Until he breaks down
Starts to look underground
To go off and get him some peace

I want to die a lot quicker than that
If my it's my only way out
I've been counting up the costs
Getting up on that cross
I want to know what this all about

Father Time
Steals our days
Like a thief
There's no price that I wouldn't pay
To get some relief
I've become an empty shell
Of a man I don't like so well
I am a living, breathing hell,
Come on and resurrect me"

Resurrect me with Your Sabbath relief! In your commandments, especially this 4th gift, may I find that Trust = Life. 6+1...

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more, brother! Trust = Life, Sabbath = relief. We do math everyday and we can't seem to connect these BASIC equalities to our lives! Luckily, our gracious and merciful Lord hears our prayers.
