This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Get with the program!

I am find myself battling the idea of Sabbath often. I say I'll take a day off in order to do... Nothing! In order to do nothing! I'll call that Sabbath. Really, it's just more draining for me to relax from school and do what what I want to do. I am learning that I need to spend time (quality and quantity) with God in these moments. Sabbath is not about removing oneself from school/work/stress, it's about regaining focus on God (or that's at least one thing I got out of the message today).

The call (WRONG!)... The command is that we work 6 days and stop on the 7th. Why? Because God has made it holy. Because we need to live within the realm of how we were created. So, we stop and "reroot ourselves in our eternal value and regain our eternal perspective." Why? Because otherwise we will burn out (with too much) or bore out (with too little).

God is smart. Very smart. How is it that I am just now figuring this out over the past 6 months? (since the first time I read 57 Words)

Man, I need to get with the program: God is smart -> I am not so smart -> The Commandments are smart because of God -> Therefore I should obey in order to live Life how He created me to live. Capital 'L' my friends!

1 comment:

  1. That bit at the end about just admitting that Jesus is, as a matter of fact, quite a bit smarter than me really got me too. So simple but so good.
