This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


So Tuesday mornings, I don't start class until 10, so I usually try to get a run in in the morning (and more recently, I hang out with Darrell too). But this morning, there were a couple of things working against me. I've been fighting a cold and I was a little low on sleep, plus I had some errands to take care of - but I really wanted to run! A lot of times, running is really restful and refreshing for me. It can be a great time of prayer and worshiping God through enjoying His creation and the gift of music.

BUT as with all His greatest gifts, the enemy is quick to pervert it and take this restful time and make it something completely different. The point is, the whole beginning of my run, the Spirit was screaming in my head "Just stop! Just rest!" Embarrassingly, it took about 11 minutes of Darrell talking to me about the importance of rest to actually obey. Not to mention, the whole time the other sermons on idolatry were echoing in my mind. Just let Me be most important, Pearl. I need to come first.

Basically, I got bazinga-ed. And I re-realize that I know next to nothing about how to allow myself to rest.

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