This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Family Bonding and The Burning Bush

When I was a child the focal point of Moses' encounter with God was always on the miracle that although the bush was on fire, it didn't burn. The wonder and curiosity of imagining such a phenomenon still persists more than three decades later.

Today, as I listened to the message and dreamed of that encounter again as Darrell spoke, I quickly wrote down this exegesis (paraphrased slightly since I can't write as fast as he talks :)) - "At the bush, we learn that God is not just almighty, but that God feels people's suffering and chooses to to intervene in their lives."

This revelation of God's heart at the burning bush becomes the underpinning for the conclusion at the end of the message that the saddest vanity with God's name is separation through lack of intimacy and communion with God.

As a father, my highest joy is intimacy and communion with my kids in all things -- skinned knees, nightmares, goofy dreams, even their rebellion.

Being a father helps me grasp just ever so slightly why God goes to such great lengths to invite us into the community of the trinity.

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