This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 10 (Throwback)

On the drive back home for Thanksgiving, I was cranking some Hello Hurricane, and "The Sound" came on. After the first verse I was brought back to the imagery used in the beginning of Chapter 2 of Simply Christian, where Wright talks about us being the city with a paved over, controlled, moderated spirituality, longing for something else, something raw, something real, not produced and fabricated. And that real, intense, uncomfortable, dangerous, meaningful spirituality is lying just beneath the surface, about to spring up and disrupt everything we've made "spirituality" into. Here's what Jon has to say...

"The static comes in slow
You can feel it grow
Our stream of conscience flows
Under the streets below

The rivers made of sound
Still running underground
Runs like a silent flood
We run as thick as blood

Can you hear it rise
Up from the ground
Can’t drown it out
Can you hear it now

This is the sound of a heartbeat
This is the sound of the discontented mouths
Of a haunted nation
We are the voice of breaking down

Can you hear me?
This is the sound of the desperation bound
By our own collision
We are the voice of breaking down

The static comes alive
Beneath the broken skies
John Perkins said it right
Love is the final fight

Let it rise above
Rise above
There is no song
Louder than love"

Can you hear the sound? Can you hear the echo of a voice that offers us Living Water, that Living Water that we are so desperately thirsty for?

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