This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Behold! He is making all things NEW.

"It is because of Him that we know - we don't just hope, we know - that God will wipe away all tears from all eyes. And in that knowledge, we find ourselves to be Sunday people, called to live in a world of Fridays."

Abba, there are so many whose tears I long to see wiped away by your nail-scarred hands! Lord, only You hold the keys and the hope, but would you please pass me the Kleenex box every once in a while so that I can hand some off to them.

Even darkness is as light to You, my King
So light the way and lead me home
To that place where every tear is wiped away
For Jesus, You will never fail
Jesus, You will never fail
-"Clinging to the Cross" by Tim Hughes

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