This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Jesus and The Coming Of God's Kingdom

Todays chapter was another home run for me!

"The need which the Christian faith answers is not so much that we are ignorant and need better information, but that we are lost and need someone to come and find us, stuck in the quicksand waiting to be rescued, dying and in need of new life"

Come Lord Jesus Come and rescue us! My world view, and the way i treat everyone is radically affected when my lens of life is from the stand point (on kneel point)of being rescued. Each morning thanking my rescuer and walking through the day with the joy, peace, and vitality that i have been rescued! Everything changes. To see others in the quicksand my first reaction is to help them myself with this knowledge i have about being rescued! WRONG!!!! Jesus! Jesus! save this person who is stuck, drowning in the quicksand of life. I call the Savior to do what only He can do. I then sit back and watch the rescue operation begin and sometimes i get to be part of that rescue operation.

1 comment:

  1. I love your focus on the "quicksand" analogy. Quicksand reminds me of the absolute helplessness I face when I attempt a self-rescue through my own ideas/knowledge of what needs to be done. Adhering to knowledge of what should be done crucified the one through whom all things must be done. I also love your encouragement to "sit back and watch." Being able to observe anything (self-awareness) is a mystery that no discipline has been able to explain. Being able to observe Christ's person communing with my person is life's highest end. Thanks for this wonderful post. I am blessed by it.
