This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Israel & YHWH

Ok I know that steve and I are the only one's enjoying "simply Christian"! It is so good! I really enjoyed Fridays walk through the history of Israel and how much pointed to Calvary! If you Are struggling picking that one up I encourage you to push through and you will be encouraged! Keep blogging peeps - just a few more weeks to go then I say let's get together and have a dinner party!


  1. Thanks Reid. What blows me away about Friday is as follows: "he will act within Israel and the world to bring to its climax the great story of exile and restoration, of the divine rescue operation, of the king who brings justice, of the Temple that joins heaven and earth. . . . .It's a wonderful dream. Rich, multilayered, full of pathos and power." This quote coupled with the Revelation invades our dark plant with Jesus' every step, and yet, as Jesus steps, i.e., John 1:39, he unleashes no firepower whatsoever. Like we discussed in bible study Friday, He has weaponry that puts our military techno might to shame and yet he turns down the presidency to play with kids. He's full of "pathos and power" and yet his manner is so asonishingly ordinary. In my mind's eye, I see my sinful heart lashing out at him for some dumb, meaningless cause or reason. In my frustration I uppercut him in the nose. He gives me that Jim Carery Dumb and Dumber "aaaah, aaaaaaaaah Kung Fu Theatre" nod, flashes a silly grin, wisks up to me, and plants a smooch on my bloodless lips." Jesus is so odd. So different. So holy. And if you read this and think, "um, no Steve, you're odd" I can see where you're coming from and appreciate your honesty. The point is when I'm thinking with just a slight hint of clarity I am astounded at the manner/way that He loves me. Like Kyle Parton used to scream on Wednesday nights, oh, this unbelieeeeeevable.

  2. Whoops - should be "this is unebelieeeeeevable." I left out the "is."

  3. Friday's reading was actually a HUGE answer to prayer - the kind of prayer I didn't even know to pray until it was already answered. On Thursday night, I had a conversation with one of my roommates who is seeking - seeking but highly skeptical and pessimistic - and she had a lot of questions about how the Old Covenant relates to the new or Hebrew beliefs in relation to ours, and I found that I came up so short in my knowledge.

    Obviously, it's not at ALL about my knowledge, and humbly admitting that I don't know it all can be a greater testament to who God is than the actual answers, BUT I literally laughed out loud when I opened my book on Friday.

    Thanks, God. You're pretty good at what you do.
