This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Love is stronger, and its strong enough for me

While attempting to write a paper for my legal studies class, I opted to turn on some worship music and soak up some of the gloriousness of the Lord before spending some time with the law. Hillsong’s “From the Inside Out” came on, and two lines of this song that is so familiar to me resonated within my heart as I thought about yesterdays reading.

“A thousand times I’ve failed, still YOUR mercy remains…YOUR will above all else, my purpose remains, the art of losing myself in bringing you praise.”

The closing paragraph of our reading yesterday say this, “…and if you fail, Gods love does not. That love cannot be grieved, that love can never go away. It is that love, ultimately, that is our chief weapon against temptation.”

I remember all the times I’ve failed, and when I say fail, I mean epically. I’ve come to realize that in times of temptation, the condition of our heart is what directs our behavior. When I fall to temptation, which usually isn’t anything bad by the world standards, but still causes a great divide between the Lord and myself, I can trace it back to what my heart is following at the time. When my heart is not fully saturated with the Lord, it is so easy for Satan to creep in, or just walk into the front door of my heart, and lead me down paths to destinations that crumble and disappear with the slightest change of the winds of life. There is nothing about that life that is rooted and established and based on a foundation of God’s love. However, when my heart is in a place that understands its purpose, the purpose of losing myself in the ocean of my Abba’s beautiful love and mercy, I am at a place where no temptation can touch me.

There are things in this world that claim to be the strength I need, but Lord remind me to say yes to Your strength, and deny the things of this world that cause my heart to crumble, and turn away. This love, your love, is stronger, and it’s strong enough for me.

Finally... it makes sense!

The Son of God, who is equal with God the Father, understands that the best way to express being God is through a cradle, a towel, and a cross.

As we know, the understanding, practice, and pursuit of humility is a tough one! As soon as you think you have it, it's gone. Up until about five minutes ago (Prodigal Father pt. 3 is paused right now) I struggled with the fact that Godly characteristics and the fruits of the spirit we strive for are/were all modeled by Jesus EXCEPT for humility. My thought was "how can a god who kills out of jealousy and craves praise model humility?" (a poorly thought through sentiment). Somehow I had missed the entire life of Jesus Christ.


So once again, back to square one in the (hopefully) humble pursuit of self-giving, sacrificial, servant love.

Unrepentant Murder Machine

I am unrepentant murder machine. I eat, drink, and have merriment each day while most of the world starves. I kill the starving with each bite of sumptuous turkey and stuffing.

Christ is life. Anything outside of Christ is death. If Christ is not building life into those around me, what am I building? Death.

If Christ in me is not giving His life through me to others, then Steve in me is taking life from others. If I am not giving life what am I doing? Taking life.

I am also pregnant with Christ. His seed builds a root in my soul that creates, recreates, and generates life in me and to others. From the root grows vines. From the vines hang blood red fruit. From the blood red fruit leaks blood red wine. The wine sparkles with life-giving mercy. To live a life of mercy is to live. . . .period.

Ironically, my murderous death is the passionate testimony to Christ’s life.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Good and Best

The source of goodness is Jesus. His goodness flows through creation. There are wonderful things in creation. These things are not to be worshiped, they echo from the Creator is worthy of praise.

We go a long ways in explaining our faith when we share temptation through what's good and what's best. Because Christ is in all and above all, he should be honored through each choice we make. Yes, we honor mother and father, but we honor them after we honor Christ. Yes, Zach, you get to snowboard. But, not selfishly, impatiently, and with your own agenda. Zach, don't take this gift and worship it. Snowboarding is good; it's good in the context of worshiping Jesus. It's best that way, Zach, your heavenly Father knows. (because he's SMART!)

As a 'thrill-junky' I get into phases of taking God's designed satisfaction and sapping it, rather than enjoying sustenance from it. It leaves me tired, unfulfilled (duh), and frustrated. It compares back to Sabbath. I'm not supposed to sit on the Sabbath and watch TV and do what I want when I want. We enjoy Sabbath through cultivating and pressing into God.

Through God we have Life!! Why? Because good things are made best through Him. And in the case of a 'thrill-junky' such as myself... good things are Terrible - with a capital T - without the context of seeking and honoring Jesus. And praise be to God that my greatest fear - God's love leaving from me without warning - is 100% impossible. I'm secure. May I respond with gladness, giving thanks to God.

Phil Wickham - Safe

You will be safe in His arms
You will be safe in His arms
'Cause the hands that hold the world are holding your heart
This is the promise He made
He will be with You always
When everything is falling apart
You will be safe in His arms

Knowing the Father's Love

Yes, Willy J!

It is by knowing this love- a love that penetrates us deeply through and through- that we find our security. And not just security to be, but security to do. Security to reject, trust, and obey.

This takes me back to his chapter on Colossians and the defeat of the powers.

"The powers were created good, but got too big for their boots because we humans allowed them to. On the cross, Christ has defeated these rebel powers, and stripped them of their ultimate power. Now he seeks to reconcile them, to create a new world, ordered by the power of the love of God. That is the context in which the Colossians (us too!) have been set free- free from the powers, and free to follow Jesus."

How deep the Father's love for us!

On a side note: I've missed you guys. I'm back- I never really left, but I'm back posting again. I haven't posted since the second week and there's a part of me that wants to apologize or explain my behavior, but I'm reminded of the prodigal son and am told- stop, Alyssa. Just come home. I love you guys and am blessed to be a part of this journey with you.

Thank you God for making us human, thank you for giving us life an all that it means- for giving us responsibility to think and choose. Grant us the grace to use that responsibility to seek your love, seek self-denile, to know your love, and to act out of answering this love.

simple goodness

And if you fail, God's love does not.

How powerful is this? It's concise, it's encouraging, it's a perfect reminder for me to remain in his love today.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Simply Christian - Jesus: Rescue and Renewal Quotes

Page 107 rewrite: "But nobody including Steve Mann in this period supposes that Steve has to suffer, let alone die. Indeed, that is the very opposite of normal expectations."

Page 110 - "He spoke of the Passover cup as containing his own blood. . . .he would be the place where heaven and earth meet."

Page 114 - "Faith can't be forced, but unfaith can be challenged." -- HELLLLLOOOO SANCTIFICATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This statement is the story of my life. This world is a stage upon which all circumstances work perfectly to beat the unfaith out of my sinful heart so that I'd be challenged to faith, hope, and love and exchange momentary afflictions for eternal glory.

I would have mentioned in the paragraph on page 114 about quantam mechanics and the illogical behavior of light (both wave and particle) that Jesus is the light of the world. Philosophically, I still find it very easy to give the creator the right to do unusual, disruptive acts especially when all reality is held up by His word. If as the quantum folks postulate subatomic particles need an observer, if I'm not observing them, who is????? Well now we're back at John 1, in the beginning was the word -- Is it just me or does anyone else ever imagine that if just for an instant God withdrew his observation from creation that it would instantly implode into the nothing from which it emanated??

Rescue and Renewal

"Nobody supposed that the Messiah would have to suffer, let alone die." Well He did.
"Nobody supposed He would fight the messianic battle - by losing it." Well He did.
"Everyone supposed a crucified Messiah was a failed Messiah" Wrongo.

"He would be the place where heaven and earth met"

It's exceptionally beautiful (and altogether surprising!) how Christ came, dwelled among us, and rescued Israel and the world through perfect obedience to the Father which is SIMULTANEOUSLY doing what only God can do. God faithfully saved Israel through Israel. Bazinga. Yahtzee. Boom. Done. He wins. Go. We are "lifted up, set on our feet, given new breath in our lungs, and commissioned to go and make new creation happen in the world." That, my friends, is exciting. Let us share the story of rescue.

"When Jesus rose again God's whole new creation emerged from the tomb"
Praise be to God for taking us with him. Let us share the story of renewal.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Honor Mother and Father (post one-hundo!)

This is a rather unorganized reflection....

I listened to Thursday's sermon 3 times because it's just a fascinating subject that I know very little about. I easily become jaded toward by sole parent, my mother, and tend to view her parenting as everything that happened that I remember. This then dismisses the vastly large amount of events that I do not remember. Also, I have an unfortunate tendency to remember disappointment more easily than I would remember when she was present for me and those positive moments. Slowly, I am learning what it looks like to be a son; a son who pursues a relationship with his parent.

On another note, bazinga with me back to the Shameless Father sermon. Jesus loves his Father. His Father is shameless because he will not be put to shame. I am reading N.T. Wright's "Paul: In Fresh Perspective" for a class and I am fascinated by what he is saying with relation to the Shameless Father:

"God will keep to his plan, to save the whole world through Israel, even though the chosen people are now bound up in the problem instead of being the bringers of the solution." - N.T. Wright

But, God will not go against His word which promises Abraham descendants, lots of them! His word promises that Israel will be the solution to the Fall. His word cannot be wrong. His word is true, therefore Christ is the Word. God's final Word. Logos - logic, thought, sense. As weird as it sounds (since it's so obvious, but I am talking infinite sense... it's literally perfect), Jesus makes sense as Messiah, "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man" 1 Corinth 15:21. I wish there were an adjective to describe "how faithful" God is. But hopefully the awe-inspiring beauty with which he stays true to his word and remains shameless will suffice. Once again for me, the transcendence and immanence of God inspires worship; my heart rejoices because I see His goodness.

Right now the most prominent way that the commandment hits me is through the relationship of Jesus to the shameless Father. In contemplation, my heart cries out that my family would love and honor the Father and I would honor my mother in the context of honor Jesus.

Spirit of the Living God, I thank you for your goodness. My heart's desire is that my family would see it. It's an understatement to say how capable you are of revealing yourself in substantial and beautiful ways. Lord, when we pray we receive more of you. I pray my family realize their need in you and that they submit to prayer to the God of the universe. I pray that I don't stop praying for them and that I don't stop praying period. Hallow your name in my life, that by your Grace I would reflect your Son and they would see your goodness. Continue to bring my family closer to each other and hopefully closer to you. Jesus, for the first time ever, I see how they need you; it's just a matter of them seeing it and no longer choosing that which is not you. Remove these idols so that you would be King in their lives. I love you, Lord, and I pray that someday that my family will love you, too. Amen.

99th Post!

Just a heads up that this post is number 99! I have been so encouraged this week more than any other from your posts. This community is pretty special and for that i am thankful. As tomorrow starts the "Advent" season (Coming or Arrival) may the remaining readings and listenings highlight this season as we reflect on the incarnation and anticipate His return! Hope you all had a great thankgiving and I look forward to the final few weeks of our journey together! Who will be post 100?
I cant wait!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 39

Honor your father and mother. On ThanksgivIng? Well played Reid, well played.

In all seriousness though, this was a great message to hear and have running through my mind all day. Family time with Corsettos is great but shoulders can rub. Understanding the weightiness that He commands me to grant my parents puts these small things into perspective. Thanks again God for knowing us better than we know ourselves!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 10 (Throwback)

On the drive back home for Thanksgiving, I was cranking some Hello Hurricane, and "The Sound" came on. After the first verse I was brought back to the imagery used in the beginning of Chapter 2 of Simply Christian, where Wright talks about us being the city with a paved over, controlled, moderated spirituality, longing for something else, something raw, something real, not produced and fabricated. And that real, intense, uncomfortable, dangerous, meaningful spirituality is lying just beneath the surface, about to spring up and disrupt everything we've made "spirituality" into. Here's what Jon has to say...

"The static comes in slow
You can feel it grow
Our stream of conscience flows
Under the streets below

The rivers made of sound
Still running underground
Runs like a silent flood
We run as thick as blood

Can you hear it rise
Up from the ground
Can’t drown it out
Can you hear it now

This is the sound of a heartbeat
This is the sound of the discontented mouths
Of a haunted nation
We are the voice of breaking down

Can you hear me?
This is the sound of the desperation bound
By our own collision
We are the voice of breaking down

The static comes alive
Beneath the broken skies
John Perkins said it right
Love is the final fight

Let it rise above
Rise above
There is no song
Louder than love"

Can you hear the sound? Can you hear the echo of a voice that offers us Living Water, that Living Water that we are so desperately thirsty for?

Human being

the fourth commandment keeps us from becoming human doings instead of human human beings.

Guilty as charged! This is one thing lately I have been wrestling with. As foundation it is already difficult for me to accept that I have grace and mercy - since I feel like I have to earn them. It's how I was raised! - to earn what I get. So the concept of grace and mercy fights that since I don't earn it at all. But Since I am an "earner" I try to earn a lot! I rat race. I try to be better better! I am so often attempting to be a human doer instead of a human being.

Man I love how God keeps us in check whether we keep ourselves in check or not. And that He truly answers prayer.

Gotta keep taking my self less seriously and others more seriously!

Mind Renewed

Offering our bodies as living sacrifices is true worship. Last night at College Life, Stanford Gibson discussed the correlation between worshipping a full transcendent and fully immanent God. He stated (I'll paraphrase here) that God's transcendence creates fear, which inspires us to change, and puts us in awe of God. He also stated that God's immanence creates love, which inspires us to change, and instills affection toward God. Mathematically speaking, awe + affection = worship. Romans 12:1-3 and Wright's statement: "...worship that can be flat on its face in adoration and up on its feet following Jesus wherever he goes," (79) capture this beautifully. How desperately do we need to fall flat on our faces in awe of our mighty God, and yet be lifted up and intimately carried by Him, for God is near and His Spirit dwells within us?

My 'personal position' on this is dictated on this question from Wright: "As you contemplate the resurrection of Jesus, what is your basic reaction?"

Oh Heavenly Father, transcend our rationale. Destroy barriers that inhibit contemplation of your great depth. May we not be pushed off by it, for we recognize that Christ is the welcoming image of the invisible God; the God who looks to to us and says "Yes and I'll be right here waiting, 'Till you come around the bend, And I run to you and hold you close, Won't let go again, So, please come home." God, you are perfect. I am seeing it in your grandness, your closeness, your intelligence, and your power to change us through the perfect being that you are and how it is on display in Your Son, Jesus. Thank you. Thank you for renewing your creation through our risen Lord. May we respond with Lives of praise. Amen.

Day 3(6+1)

6+1... 6+1... Its just vectors! Davis math should be able to figure this one out, right? Nope. He knows so much about me than I will ever understand.

What stuck out to me just as much as finding that 1 is finding those 6. We are designed for 6 days of work. Not just work, but hard work. In the past few weeks I've been trying to sneak a little bit of 1 into each 6, trying to make it more of a (1/7 + 6/7) to the power of 7. In the end I don't do 6 or 1 well at all, and I find myself needing to blog at 3:30AM after 5 hours of homework that would have been done much earlier had I been serious about the 6, and for that matter the 1.

Discipline = Freedom.

Set me free from this rat-raceness that I have subjected myself to. Empower me, correct me, discipline me in the 6 and the 1. Give me the desire for the rest You long for me to experience. May I decide day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, that You are smarter that I. I am not so important that I cannot obey the rhythm of time, may my desire and decisions result in a dramatic change in my attitude towards Your gift of the Sabbath. As I seek You, both in the 6 and especially in the 1, reveal Yourself to me in new and intimate ways. And through all of these Sabbath disciplines, lead me to celebration of Your victory over the powers now rendered powerless. Amen.

Alas, it wouldn't be complete with some lyrical reflection. This one is "Resurrect Me" by Jon Foreman.

"It takes a long time to kill a man
Fifty-five years at least
Until he breaks down
Starts to look underground
To go off and get him some peace

I want to die a lot quicker than that
If my it's my only way out
I've been counting up the costs
Getting up on that cross
I want to know what this all about

Father Time
Steals our days
Like a thief
There's no price that I wouldn't pay
To get some relief
I've become an empty shell
Of a man I don't like so well
I am a living, breathing hell,
Come on and resurrect me"

Resurrect me with Your Sabbath relief! In your commandments, especially this 4th gift, may I find that Trust = Life. 6+1...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


So Tuesday mornings, I don't start class until 10, so I usually try to get a run in in the morning (and more recently, I hang out with Darrell too). But this morning, there were a couple of things working against me. I've been fighting a cold and I was a little low on sleep, plus I had some errands to take care of - but I really wanted to run! A lot of times, running is really restful and refreshing for me. It can be a great time of prayer and worshiping God through enjoying His creation and the gift of music.

BUT as with all His greatest gifts, the enemy is quick to pervert it and take this restful time and make it something completely different. The point is, the whole beginning of my run, the Spirit was screaming in my head "Just stop! Just rest!" Embarrassingly, it took about 11 minutes of Darrell talking to me about the importance of rest to actually obey. Not to mention, the whole time the other sermons on idolatry were echoing in my mind. Just let Me be most important, Pearl. I need to come first.

Basically, I got bazinga-ed. And I re-realize that I know next to nothing about how to allow myself to rest.

Sabbath Breaking and Sabbath Making

I like the list of practical benefits/by products that DJ highlights in the message. The greater end DJ exhorts us to is to recognize that God is holy. He describes holiness as unique, other than, and different!

In John, Jesus says, that God actually doesn't rest. This got him in a lot of hot water with the institutional church --

16 So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. 17 In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” 18 For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

I mention this fact (that up to Christ's ministry God has been working in the 6th day) because it highlights the magnitude of Christ's invasion from calvary. It highlights as DJ says, the new creation. I welcome the vision of the cross as a new creation but I also believe that through the blood of the lamb on calvary Jesus ushers in the 7th day as a culmination of the original creation account. The creation is finally completed through Christ's good act and "it is good."

Get with the program!

I am find myself battling the idea of Sabbath often. I say I'll take a day off in order to do... Nothing! In order to do nothing! I'll call that Sabbath. Really, it's just more draining for me to relax from school and do what what I want to do. I am learning that I need to spend time (quality and quantity) with God in these moments. Sabbath is not about removing oneself from school/work/stress, it's about regaining focus on God (or that's at least one thing I got out of the message today).

The call (WRONG!)... The command is that we work 6 days and stop on the 7th. Why? Because God has made it holy. Because we need to live within the realm of how we were created. So, we stop and "reroot ourselves in our eternal value and regain our eternal perspective." Why? Because otherwise we will burn out (with too much) or bore out (with too little).

God is smart. Very smart. How is it that I am just now figuring this out over the past 6 months? (since the first time I read 57 Words)

Man, I need to get with the program: God is smart -> I am not so smart -> The Commandments are smart because of God -> Therefore I should obey in order to live Life how He created me to live. Capital 'L' my friends!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Heaven and earth collide

"Father in heaven" is a way of saying "Father very close at hand." (106)

I have been meditating on this idea throughout this journey and I just love it. And I just want to lay out two ideas:

1) The First and Second Temples of Jerusalem existed as sacred places where heaven and earth met.

2) With Christ, who says "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days," we have the incarnation of the Son of God forcing the collision of heaven and earth. There is no way of hiding from it. It's everywhere.

So what's more mind-shattering: a world with the veiled God in the confines of the temple (according to His people) or a world with the unveiled God who "got out" and is "very close at hand"?

Hopefully a surge of excitement rushes through you, as it did for me. Our God broke out and continues to break out of confinement. The boundless ways we can pray illustrates that.

Kingdom Kids

"Do not complicate the act of prayer - it is so much more straightforward than my people make it out to be."

The gift of Identity reaffirmed here in the Lord's prayer is wonderful news. I think of when Owen prays for Dinner, "Jesus God, thank you...i love Elle..and Mommie..and Daddy..and meatballs but not spicy bbq sauce, AMEN - hey dad you want to play trains after dinner?" He is so sure in His identity as my son, i am His dad. He is still working out who this Jesus-God guy is and why do we talk to Him before we eat, sleep, when we read the bible and so on. "Hey God, you want to play _______ after dinner? Do those thoughts, words, ideas even fly into my brain ever?? God you want to play? Now not to go all Recreation science on you but....PLAY is defined in the RE-CREATION world as spontaneous, unscripted, undefined, activity. Had any of that lately with your Abba? Lets not complicate it! Play with your Abba people!



This is a song I first heard last year and absolutely loved. Not until later (when I looked it up online to hear it again) did I realize that it's a rendition of the Lord's Prayer in Swahili! It's so cool, give it a listen when you get a second.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Your love it beckons deeply"

From Simply Christian -"In particular, we are all invited- summoned actually- to discover, through following Jesus, that this new world is indeed a place of justice, spirituality, relationship, and beauty, and that we are not only to enjoy it as such but to work at bringing it to birth on earth as in heaven." (92)

I love the bazinga action going on in this passage!

This is not an invitation for some facebook event from who knows. This is Christ beckoning (definition: Make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow) us to partake in Life. How precious we must be to Jesus, that in our junk of misunderstandings and mistreatings of Him and His people, we would still be beckoned into a life of freedom; this is the gospel!

Gracious King, help your precious children see the goodness of your gospel and protect us from the enemy's attempts to limit our view of you on a daily basis. Through Christ, Your Kingdom has come and will is being done on earth as it is in heaven. Transform our hearts, that we would live in a spirit of celebration because of these great things. And let us never be lacking in zeal, but always keeping a spiritual fervor, in service to you; that we would be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer, as we witness and co-work with You in Your Kingdom work. Amen.

"Do not be afraid, little flock"

I reread the Following Jesus chapter this morning for the third time, and this line stuck out to me once again: "We cherish fear so closely that we find we cannot shed it even when we're told to do so" (page 66).

Fear becomes such a security blanket in itself - we feel the need to tense up, as if to brace ourselves for whatever may be around the corner. It's as if letting our guard down for a minute would open us up to a whole slough of new fears and dangers.

But I've been offered this gift of freedom from fear - why don't I take it?

Friday, November 19, 2010

The paragraph at the top of page 100 of Simply Christian is a great summary of some of the expectations Isaiah and the Psalms had for the messiah.

Jesus and The Coming Of God's Kingdom

Todays chapter was another home run for me!

"The need which the Christian faith answers is not so much that we are ignorant and need better information, but that we are lost and need someone to come and find us, stuck in the quicksand waiting to be rescued, dying and in need of new life"

Come Lord Jesus Come and rescue us! My world view, and the way i treat everyone is radically affected when my lens of life is from the stand point (on kneel point)of being rescued. Each morning thanking my rescuer and walking through the day with the joy, peace, and vitality that i have been rescued! Everything changes. To see others in the quicksand my first reaction is to help them myself with this knowledge i have about being rescued! WRONG!!!! Jesus! Jesus! save this person who is stuck, drowning in the quicksand of life. I call the Savior to do what only He can do. I then sit back and watch the rescue operation begin and sometimes i get to be part of that rescue operation.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Family Bonding and The Burning Bush

When I was a child the focal point of Moses' encounter with God was always on the miracle that although the bush was on fire, it didn't burn. The wonder and curiosity of imagining such a phenomenon still persists more than three decades later.

Today, as I listened to the message and dreamed of that encounter again as Darrell spoke, I quickly wrote down this exegesis (paraphrased slightly since I can't write as fast as he talks :)) - "At the bush, we learn that God is not just almighty, but that God feels people's suffering and chooses to to intervene in their lives."

This revelation of God's heart at the burning bush becomes the underpinning for the conclusion at the end of the message that the saddest vanity with God's name is separation through lack of intimacy and communion with God.

As a father, my highest joy is intimacy and communion with my kids in all things -- skinned knees, nightmares, goofy dreams, even their rebellion.

Being a father helps me grasp just ever so slightly why God goes to such great lengths to invite us into the community of the trinity.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fear Not for I am with you!

I dont know about you but all i have going through my head is the old youth group song "Fear Not" - Steve Mann style! If you have ever heard him play that then you know what i am talking about, there is a hint of Aerosmith the way he plays it! Anyways, "Therefore we are not to be suprised if living as Christians brings us to a place where we find we are at the end of our own resources, and that we are called to rely on the God who raises the dead". Man loved this page / section. I think about the summer time and any position really He leads us to a place where we come to the end of our own resources so that we might meet with/ trust / experience / believe in / touch / hold / worship the God who raised Jesus from the dead! Lead us to the cross Lord!

Fifty-Seven Words...Revisited

This may seem trivial, but today as I was reading "Following Jesus", I looked at my copy of "Fifty-Seven Words that Change the World". I realized that the title described words that CHANGE the world, not CHANGED the world. Jesus' words are active, they are today, they are relevant and potent.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quotes from DJ -Every image from creation leads us astray. Human images box God in. Jesus frees us from a faulty image of God. If you have a couple minutes, I was really encouraged by 2 Corinthians today, particularly, 2 Corinthians chapter 1. Great examples in 2 Cor. of God's living expression through us.

God's inconsistency with our understanding, praise be to Him!

Darrell has now twice reminded us that the 10 words of Yahweh were chiseled some thousands of years ago to "protect and enhance our freedom"! This seems so counter intuitive to how our world appears to work. How can a list of "thou shalt nots" protect and enhance freedom? I had a little internal struggle this morning while listening to Darrell, wondering why God wouldn't just present himself in such a way that He would make sense to those who don't yet know Him. My finite mind deduced that if more people thought that God made sense in their own worldview, more would chose to follow Him. And to the glory of God, I couldn't have been more wrong!
God cannot misrepresent himself. To lower Himself to fit into our understanding would be to fit an infinite God in a finite box, as opposed to the infinite person of Christ. This would be somewhat like trying to explain quantum mechanics in terms of classical physics, it would feel more comfortable, because it's what we know and can wrap our minds around. But, to represent quantum mechanics in this way would be giving such a false representation of what it really is, and nobody would ever truly come to an understanding of how the universe really works. For God to conform to our worldview would entirely corrupt and disrupt His message and none would truly know Him or be in true relationship with Yahweh, the author of quantum mechanics.
I don't want to worship anything that is not you as you truly are. Remove and destroy human made idols of you or in place of you in my life, replace them with yourself and your son. Continue to grow in me through your spirit so that I can recognize false representations of you, and so that in my worship I cannot be lead astray.

Let the glory of the Lord, rise among us

Monday, November 15, 2010

Israel & YHWH

Ok I know that steve and I are the only one's enjoying "simply Christian"! It is so good! I really enjoyed Fridays walk through the history of Israel and how much pointed to Calvary! If you Are struggling picking that one up I encourage you to push through and you will be encouraged! Keep blogging peeps - just a few more weeks to go then I say let's get together and have a dinner party!

Day 31

"Indeed, life with a capital 'L' is found only in trusting God. The quality of Life is, therefore, a quality of our trust."

Case in point for me: this past summer.

"And so he seeks to get us to doubt the goodness of God... Once he has done that, the rest is easy."

The evil one wants me to forget, not remember. He wants me to be skeptical, not faithful. He wants me to doubt, not trust.

"And thus, we end up no longer trusting God, and no longer experiencing life with a capital L"

This all reminds me of one of the points our speaker at the College Life Fall Retreat made this past weekend. He was talking about fighting temptations, and how often it can be like fighting waves from a hurricane. We'll be able to survive one, two, five, ten waves, but unless we deal with the source, this hurricane, we'll ultimately be stuck wondering why these waves of temptation keep coming and overtaking us. Drowning under wave after wave of temptation is no way to Live.

Darrell reminds us that it comes down to trust. As our speaker put it, "Do you buy into what Jesus said?" Do you believe Him when He says He is all we need? The He is good? Do you remember that He is good? We've all seen how good He is! Yet one of my greatest qualities is short-sightedness, not remembering the past and not trusting His will for the future. I let the tests become temptations when I don't trust in who He is, don't remember His redeeming gospel, don't remember what He has done, and don't trust in what He is doing.

Trust = Life.
Discipline = Freedom.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Soooo loooong

Man sorry I haven't posted much lately! Haven't had much time around a computer.





Philippians 4

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Behold! He is making all things NEW.

"It is because of Him that we know - we don't just hope, we know - that God will wipe away all tears from all eyes. And in that knowledge, we find ourselves to be Sunday people, called to live in a world of Fridays."

Abba, there are so many whose tears I long to see wiped away by your nail-scarred hands! Lord, only You hold the keys and the hope, but would you please pass me the Kleenex box every once in a while so that I can hand some off to them.

Even darkness is as light to You, my King
So light the way and lead me home
To that place where every tear is wiped away
For Jesus, You will never fail
Jesus, You will never fail
-"Clinging to the Cross" by Tim Hughes

57 Words Page 89 Rewrite

Page 89 captures much of as DJ likes to put it, "the scandal" of Christ's new world order.

I'd like to imagine the "inside out" heart invasion of Christ's kingdom engendering these words as I approach calvary with Jeffrey Dahmer or Sadaam Hussein or some other arch-villian

Page 89 2nd to last paragraph rewrite:

"And now, as an act of Christ's radical inbreaking of His messianic kingdom that destroys your fragile, dark, puny heart, go back down the hill and invite the person who is trapped in a cell of self-hatred and angry retribution up the hill with you. Show them Jesus and as an act of the new heart that you have in Christ, wipe away their tears of shame. Wash their feet. Break some bread. Pour some wine. Share communion with the prodigal. Its your right, Steve, as offspring of the prodgal Father."

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 28

"Look into his eyes. Tell him how hard it is to forgive." 57 Words, page 89

What a slap-in-the-face of perspective! He took upon Himself my millions and billions of unique instances of indebtedness. Yet the moment someone wrongs me, owes me, is indebted to me, I think its my turn to become "god." My turn to demand justice, stifle mercy and withhold grace. I know nothing of what it means to be God!

"Now, if 'being God' does not mean 'something to take advantage of' but 'emptying Himself,' can 'being human' mean anything less" It Is Finished, page 79

"Divine equally does not mean 'getting' but 'giving.' It is properly expressed in self-giving love." It Is Finished, page 77

It does not mean getting justice, it means giving mercy and grace. Giving yourself away. For-giving yourself away!

"You are never more like me and my Father than when you forgive."

"Oh King of Glory, grant us the grace to live as gloriously as you!"

Edit: This came on my shuffle, so applicable! Written from the perspective of every person I've refused to forgive. It's called "Forgiven" by Relient K

"You can't see past the blood on my hands
To see that you've been aptly damned
To fail and fail again

Cause we're all guilty of the same things
We think the thoughts whether or not we see them through
And I know that I have been forgiven
And I just hope you can forgive me too
you can forgive me too "

Day 27

Severe mercy. Reminds me of Let It All Out by Relient K

"And you said I know that this will hurt
But if I don't break your heart
Then things will just get worse
If the burden seems too much to bear
Remember the end will justify
The pain it took to get us there"

Thank you for taking us there. Thank you for not abandoning us. Thank you for being jealous for me. Thank you for not tolerating other gods. Thank you for designing me and perfectly satisfying that design.

On an different note:

"I will relate to the true God only to the degree that the true God is good for my idol." - Darrell Johnson


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sorry, double post in one day but the declaration of YOU ALONE ARE GOD is too good to pass up and not pass on this little hidden gem!



Only you can Satisfy!

Ok, to be hip and cool (and to fit in) I will go the route of song lyric. Nolan turned me on to this incredible web-site and this song he shared with me and in "light" (see Steve's post) of todays sermon this song "Only you can Satisfy" by Caleb Clements (Click, Listen, then weep!) This song speaks my hearts desire and longing. Enjoy especially Pearl, Willy J, and Corsetto, i think you are going to dig this jam! Thanks Nolan!

Click on link- click on the player to listen to it!

Day 26

"In light of that cross we now know that 'wisdom' that does no lead us in the way of the Crucified is ultimately foolishness; we know that 'power' which does not act as the Crucified is ultimately weakness." It is Finished, page 95

My concept of wisdom and power can't comprehend how the servant King died, and simultaneously claimed victory over the powers, with two insurrectionists at His right and left rather than John and James. What?! No!

My concept of wisdom and power rejects dying to myself as the only way to truly live.

My concept of wisdom and power stands higher rather than stoops lower.

Two Switchfoot songs in one day, why not?

"We are a beautiful letdown
Painfully uncool
The church of the drop outs, the losers, the sinners, the failures, and the fools
Oh what a beautiful letdown"

How beautifully did Christ letdown the religious and philosophical mind? Sign-less, cursed, claiming universal relevancy, and suffering as no other god had.

And in this beautiful letdown, "in the foolishness and weakness of the cross, God has done what human wisdom and power could never do."

"Your kingdom come
Won't you let me down
Let my foolish pride
Forever let me down."

Let my religion down. Let my education down. Instead, win me over with your "foolish" and "weak" message of the "foolish" and "weak" God who executed His Holy Wrath against Himself! Who paid the Ransom to set me free! Who suffered separation from Himself that I might not have to! Who is victorious over the powers through death, inviting me to do the same! Who ultimately expressed His divine glory through giving Himself away on the cross!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sadly, it is actually finished.

"Sooner or later we have to come to terms with the "offense" and "nonsense" of the cross. And then we have to resist the temptation to make it less offensive. We have to let the scandal stand; to let the folly stand. To try to remove the final contradiction, as the Church has regularly done, is to subvert the Gospel. And a subverted Gospel is finally no Gospel at all. It becomes only good advice, but not Good News."

I keep waiting around for God's love to make sense or for the cross to make sense, but I realize I'm going to be waiting forever. Although at the same time, the more I dive into it, I see that it's the only thing that does make sense and the only way things could possibly be.

Final contradiction indeed.

The chapter title reminded me of these few lines from Switchfoot's "Golden":

And this final verse is a contradiction
The more we learn, the less we know

True that, Jon.

Simply Christian - Never Stop Shining

Do everything without complaining and arguing so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe. Philipians 2

The universe rocks to the sound of Christ.
The universe is upheld by the word of Christ.
The universe is eternally invaded by the ever present light of Christ.

In Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28)

Light judges (hellooo imperfections I didn't see before the light.)
Light connects (imagine group dancing on the roof of a houseboat in utter darkness? Mayhem, pain, chaos.)
Light informs (having light inform the way sure beats groping in darkness for the keys I dropped. Its always a big relief when I discover that the scratching against the kitchen door is Naomi (my cat) trying to get to her cat food.

My hunger for visible light is deep, intense, and ongoing.

My hunger for Christ should be deep, intense, and ongoing.

Father God - deliver me from bondage to the promised land through your pillar of fire. Enlighten me with the light of Christ.

A Few Quotes from Today's Reading

I felt challenged and encouraged by these words in today's reading:

"So we can relax. We can simply share the Gospel as it is and trust the contradiction to do its work." DJ -93.

"No one can pat herself on the back for finding God. No one can pat himself on the back for redeeming himself." DJ - 94.

"Pray for those who persecute you. Grant them the same privelege you have, to stand beneath the cross and be forgiven." DJ - 94-95.

"Love your enemies. Seek the welfare of your enemies wit the same zeal with which you seek your own." DJ - 95.

The Final Contradiction

I'm not sure that I'll ever fully get my head around Christ's humility, but today brought some perspective to my working definition of humility. Johnson's excerpt from the Barclay commentary reads: "In Jesus, they saw one who was meek and lowly, one who deliberately avoided the spectacular, one who served and ended on a cross, and it seemed to them an impossible picture of the Chosen One of God."
We know that Christ embraced humility as he was born in a stable, rode into town on a burro, and died on a cross, but this morning was the first time that I really connected these dots and understood the contradiction of the cross. That excerpt explains that there were prophets who gained large followings and promised spectacular things, while Christ "simply" offered life to the fullest. I guess some could argue that Christ's lowly birth and death were out of his hands- that perhaps he would have chosen better if he could have, but with the understanding of the world's "meek and lowly" perception of him, we see that throughout his ministry (daresay, his prime) he was continually choosing humility. And service. And obedience. And sacrificial, servant love. He wasn't sent to the cross, he went to the cross; it didn't happen to him, he embraced it. He stooped lower. As I take an honest look at the life of Jesus this morning, I don't find anything more attractive than the fragrance of his humility and his capacity to serve me despite my forgetfulness.
In a podcast, I heard Darin McWatters say: Christ's love is the only love you'll ever know that loves you SO you'll change and not WHEN you change. I'm so grateful that I've got a father and redeemer who doesn't find it necessary to impress me with anything other than unfailing, undeserved love.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Learning to Let Go

“We have not yet seen what might happen if those who worship the Servant King, now enthroned as Lord of the world, were to take him seriously enough to take up our cross and follow him. But that, as Mark reminds us, is precisely what the servant king calls us to do.”

These closing lines of today’s reading spoke volumes to me in that following Jesus is exactly what I’m called to and supposed to be doing with my life. Following Jesus is the profession, so to speak, that defines what I do here on this earth, my identity must be wrapped up in the very act of daily choosing to be a living sacrifice and follow the one who gave His life for mine. Much of what we have been going through has taken me back to a mission trip I went on to New Mexico last April. I wrote the following letter to the congregation describing my experience, and how God used a Wednesday night (bahaha God, good one) to reveal to me that my identity lies in him, and I embrace that identity when I learn to let go.

Upon arriving back at the ranch, our AIM staff had setup this awesome time of worship and prayer. After a time of worship, we all found ourselves in the chapel, where stations were set up for us to reflect on the person of Christ. Of the five or so that were set up…. I made it to two. I spent a significant amount of time at one station that had a bucket of water and some rocks. Our task was to take a rock, reflect on the things in our lives that were holding us back, and place it in the water, letting the rock and all the things that were holding us back sink to the bottom where they could no longer hold us down. However, I pick up my rock, prayed a bit, and found that I could not put that rock in the water. For the better part of the two hours I spent in the chapel I sat with that rock in my hands, unable to do much of anything other than cry and pray. I contemplated my own brokenness (which is not the most fun thing to do) and how much easier it was for me to define myself by my brokenness rather than my wholeness in Christ. Yet in spite of this, there was this still small voice, gently urging me to place that rock in the water. I did not listen very well, and it took the prayers of Debbie Wyne to show me what I already knew—that there was no way I was going to put that rock in the water by my own strength—God wanted me to put that rock in the water way more than Satan was prompting me to keep it. Don’t worry, I put that rock in the water, and have zero intention of ever picking it back up again. As Debbie prayed, the tears of fear and pain transformed into those of relief and joy, knowing that my Savior had given me His strength to throw that rock in the water.

Upon arriving home, still processing the week that I had experienced, I was going through a devotional with the great Oswald Chambers entitled “Complete and Effective Dominion.” The verse was Acts 1:8, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes about you…” and Wednesday night and the rock scenario immediately popped into my mind. At the very end, Oswald ends with this kicker of a statement,”…but any effort to ‘hang on’ to the least bit of our power will only diminish the life of Jesus in us. We have to keep letting go, and slowly, but surely, the great and full life of God will invade us, penetrating every part.” I was reminded of Wednesday and how much I wanted to hold on to that rock, and I thought of the week and how much I wanted to hold onto my own agendas and my own flawed thinking of the way things could be. Letting go was the most difficult thing I did that week in terms of my spiritual growth, but God revealed himself to me in spite of my darkness, and paved the road to freedom for me, so here I stand (figuratively) with arms high and heart abandoned, ready and willing to accept this abundant life Jesus died to offer me. May His name be praised in glorified in all I do.

Our task is to follow him, and not hang on to the things of this life that our holding us down, and preventing us from living the abundant life on earth that Christ gave his life for us to live.

7 Grain Bazinga Bagels

"Daily" bread, says Jesus. Not "weekly," not "monthly." But "daily"...."Daily" bread, "day by day, one day at a time." Always depedent upon the goodness and faithfulness of God. DJ - 75.

"Jesus likely has the Exodus story in mind again." DJ - 75

Brace yourself Stevo, here comes another eternally now redemptive cross explosion. . . .

"For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spirutal drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and ........ (DRUM ROLL)..............

that rock was Christ." I Corinthians 10:1 and following.

Ever present, ever redemptive, ever transforming, ever sustaining day by day by hour by nanosecond by ? from beginning to end.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rhythm and Freedom

"God had rescued the Hebrews from bondage and oppression for relationship, intimacy, wholeness, and trust." - Darrrell Johnson.

"Hear oh Israel. The Lord is our God. The Lord is one." - Deuteronomy 6:4

Yesterdays message exposed my deep need for Jesus. Change my heart Jesus. Make me a master of nothing and a slave to your mercy.

Waltz me through these promises. Make these promises a beautiful, uninhibited dance of Joy that is fueled by a new heart.

Transform my dead soul into a bowl of sparkling wine.

Get me drunk.

With your spirt.
You are one. I'm so divided. Make me like you.

Mmm, dependence on God... Simply Delicious

There is something special about days that I realize my own futility when I try to walk through a day under my own power, and realize I need Yahweh. I most tangibly realized this freshman year of college.

Sustain me today, fill my life with yourself today in abundance. But don't allow me to hoard anything for tomorrow. May I consume and be consumed by you today so that I may need another helping tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 22

"Israel celebrates the giving of the Law of YHWH because YHWH gives the law in order to protect and enhance a life of freedom."

In my second lap through this sermon, I was brought back to Kyle's Wednesday night message this summer. I can't remember any of the verses he quoted, but he used an analogy that stuck with me. If you guys remember, it was the analogy of a ski boat, and how the engine is meant for fresh water. When put in salt water, the ski boat my run for a bit, but the salt will inevitably rust and corrode the engine. What a beautiful analogy, and the fact that this internal turmoil, this unintended functioning, is first hidden and under layers of perception, makes the picture just that much more juiced.

How awesome would it be to just pull runs in the ocean? Just think about it. On the Delta we have to be constantly aware of tides, winds and currents. We have to share the waterways with other ski boats, houseboats, jet ski's and tankers. We have all the space we could ever want on the ocean! No limits! Complete freedom to pull a run and not have to care about anything thats going on around us!

But we aren't meant for the ocean. That's not where we thrive. We might be living carefree on the high seas for a bit, but that engine won't hold up for long. Sooner or later we'll be dead on the water, lost in a sea of our own creation, wondering why it isn't everything we thought it would be.

Instead, He know's where/how/why we thrive. Inside paying attention to tide charts, checking your mirror for other boats, staying in the middle of the waterway, and having a flagger on every banana run, there is true freedom.

That is why we should rejoice in the Law that He has given us. I couldn't imagine how lost I would be without the ground rules laid out during driver training.

At the very same point, after getting accustomed to the law, how easily do we bend/break/ignore it? I can say for a fact that as the summer progressed it became harder and harder to do those little things every day on the Delta. Check the oil, check the belts, check the spark plugs, check the bilge. How easily do I wander as the Israelites so often did, justifying my reasoning for His law not applying to this area of my life, or my way being better than His for my future.

His law is an expression of His love.



Anyone else instantly have Indiana Jones theme music come to mind when Darrell says "YHWH to the rescue?"

The sermon this morning definitely called to mind the Jon Foreman song "Lord Save Me from Myself" - especially the part about the tenth commandment. At first we seem to take in the first nine so well, but then we sabotage ourselves by breaking the last one!

You shall not covet your neighbor's clothes or electronics or bike or STUFF. You shall not covet your neighbor's popularity or beauty or outward image. And here's the really sneaky stuff: you shall not covet your neighbor's apparent spirituality or servant-heartedness. You shall not covet your neighbor's predisposition for relational ministry or unswerving devotion for the Lord.

A few weeks ago we did a short sermon series in College Life called "Live Free or Die" and I was reminded this morning of one of the lines from the opening talk:

"Freedom is not the absence of restraints but selecting the restraints that accord with our nature and facilitate human flourishing. The Christian paradox of freedom is that it costs your autonomy."

As if we ever had true autonomy in the first place.

Father, would I be enslaved to You and You alone today and not to any other master. And would that be where I find my true freedom. Lord, save me from myself!

Day 21

So a lot of this is straight out of Tuesday, but its so... needed. I forget so quickly that the death of Jesus is the "scandal of the gospel, the great reversal of values." The tables have been flipped. Things will never be the same. We will never be the same.

"We are most fully human when we most faithfully copy the nature and character of God." - It is Finished, page 80.

This leads to the question of what it means to be "Godly." What it means to be a "man of God." Lets see what the Son of Man says: "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies..." "He comes to the conclusion that to-be-like-the-Father - that to be God - means to live by giving yourself away in servant love."

Another song reference (did you catch the first one?) since I seem to have at least one per post. This one comes from "Show Me" by Audrey Assad

"Bind up these broken bones
Mercy bend and breathe me back to life
But not before You show me how to die"

He has. And He invites us, shows us, encourages us and commands us to do the same. To embrace the fullness of our created humanness by purposing to daily, hourly, and minutely empty ourselves in self-giving, sacrificial servant love.

Reid, thank you for sharing your insight into John 17 over the summer. It's stuck with me, and mostly hangs around just to kick me in the butt on a daily basis.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Despite what I thought waking up, neither my; extra 40 minutes of sleep, cup of coffee (read: the sweet, dark mother), homemade cinnamon roll, nor my hunter green sonshine hoodie were the best part of my morning. Pages 76-80 have been the best part of my morning.

The self-sacrificial, servant love that I witnessed and experienced this summer has been the single most challenging part of August-October. I heard Reid talk about the "fragrance of humility" this summer, and the reading this morning wreaked of this fragrance. I don't think I can do it justice by inserting a giant blocked quote with my own emphasis added. Instead, I'm just going to read it again and encourage you to do the same.

"Those who bear God's image are most truly themselves when they empty themselves and give themselves away." Join me today as I'm challenged by what this truly asks us to do- seek and reflect the image of our God.