This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why Beauty?

"The story they tell, which we shall expore further in due course, indicates that the present world really is a signpost to a larger beauty, a deeper truth." - Page 47. I have too much in my head to address this chapter.

On the surface ---
Aside from the wholly insane in the planet (notice the word "wholly" - we all suffer from temporary bouts of insanity) we/I/everyone constantly attach ourselves to beauty, knowledge, truth, reason, life, and love.

Purusuing these things makes no sense. Why?

Well, no rational/logical/reasonable explanation exists for beauty, knowledge, truth, life, and love. Even light by nature is somewhat illogical (if I remember correctly its both a wave and a particle -- what? No. What? No. What? --aaaaah - it doesn't make sense.)

Just about every song, political speech, opinion, conversation, philosophy invokes at some point beauty, knowledge, reason, truth, life, and/or love.

The mind-bending connection (for me at least) is that each of these are the essence/core of Christ's revelation. "I am the truth. I am the life. I am the logos, reason, knowledge. I am glory (beauty.) I am love." By the way - love is the most bizarre, especially sacrificial love. I'm sorry but the pros and cons of sacrificial love rule it out as a reasonable course of action. And if you list the reasons it doesn't then you appeal to reason which in a pro/con analysis is unreasonable.

I've heard people describe their spritual journey as moving to a point of discovery where they are so much more aware that God is speaking and communing with them constantly.

In a similar way, I am in awe and wonder sometimes at how often and in how many bizarre ways that I hear conversations everywhere and in everyway confessing gospel.

Weird stuff.

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