This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Friday, October 15, 2010

I am that I am ......thirsty

"From within he sets us free." Darrell Johnson.

Did anyone chuckle as N.T. Wright gave us tour through the aisles of Barnes and Noble??? . . . ."the last generation has seen a sudden upsure of interest in all things Celtic. . . ."

I love this perspective: "When phsyicists discover phenomena they can explain by no other means, they postulate new entities, not themselves capable of being observed, which explain them. That's how quarks and similar strange things have entered our language and understanding." -- Christ, through John, puts it with succinct perfection. In the begining was the word (reason, logic, word, ideas, etc. - Logos, sociology (logos in the middle), psychology, physiology, zoology, paleantology, anthorpology) -- You see how logos is central to all these disciplines? Isn't that beautiful?

The conclusion is simple - We are not explained by what our own, isolated and individual mind can comprehend. We are explained by the Observer/Creator who comprehends us."

I'm going to stop myself there . Another beautiful moment I've thoroughly enjoyed on this journey. Thanks for this and many other delicious opportunities to grow and love in Christ, Reid.


P.S. - I said I'd stop but I've got to get this in. What makes us thirsty? Perhaps what makes us thirsty is trapping ourselves in our own reason/religon where only that which can be explained is defined by our own internal rules of the game/universe. I think we're hungry/thirsty because we practice at times, at least I do, mental canabilism. If you can only feast on your own ideas/reason you've pretty much instituted self-devouring canabilsim. You can only nourish your self with more self which ultimately leads to destruction. If none of that makes sense, I think the following scenario does make sense (well, it makes sense to me). When I sit at the communion table, abide in the vine, sit at the marriage supper of the lamb, I am consuming the Logos which is comprehending me and consuming me with fire. And what does that consuming fire on the cross say as he ushers in the 7th day f to my little self-devouring bubble? "I thirst."

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