This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 3

"We do not know what we need. We think we know. We think we see the whole picture... We do not. But our Father does" - 57 Words, Page 24

Boom, headshot! And it gets sweeter!

"It frees us from having to have everything figured out before and while we pray. It frees us from having to have the right words. 'Just come,' Jesus is saying, 'say what is on your hearts the most honest way you can. The Father knows what you need.'"

Just come. Go now. Follow me. Ask, seek and knock. You don't have to have it all together. You don't have it all together.

I think of DEF. Discipline = Freedom. Discipline in following, asking, seeking, knocking, praying. Freedom in Him. He is all we need. He's everything. Everything!

Second thought:
Father in Heaven. Father above us, beneath us and alongside us. From Luke 11, "Father right next door"

And Jesus also implies from "Father in Heaven" that our Father is on His throne. His throne of ultimate power and authority. God will not shame His throne. Powerful, shameless and right next door.

"We can, therefore, dare to hope that when we pray something happens"

1 comment:

  1. "Just come. Go now. Follow me. Ask, seek and knock. You don't have to have it all together. You don't have it all together."

    Even when Peter could only say that he (phileo)(sp?) loved Jesus (in John 21-ish) Jesus still calls Peter to "feed my sheep". He doesn't call us because we have it all together. He equips the willing. All we have to to is trust and follow.

    It's not easy... but it is simple!
