This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The main thing, is to keep the main thing, the main thing!

I have been reminded time and time again this week just how much Jesus penetrates every part of our lives and everything is held together by him. Going through our readings/sermons this week reminds me that everything truth I have come to know through my faith has been made possible by, done to, done by, or orchestrated by Jesus himself. That guy's one busy carpenter.
I'm in a religious studies class, and the only thing that comes to mind during every lecture is Christ. Religion is an experience of a real sacred (Christ), religion is a projection to help us cope with our fear of this world (wrong, but Christ is our comforter and sustainer), religion is an attempt to explain the unknown (in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Nothing came into being without Christ), religion is a celebration of community (we are bonded together with Christ, as one body, His beloved church), religion as an instrument of power (a pretty cynical view of religion, but as a follower of Christ, I don't desire any power for myself, his grace is sufficient for me, and he is the powerful sovereign of the universe), religion as a system of meaning (my life, outside of my relationship with Christ, has no meaning, has no purpose. Through that relationship I view the world) There is nothing in this world that I love more or that loves me more than the person of Christ!
I'll leave you today with some journal entries from my summer, answering the question "Who is Jesus?"

Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the creator and sustainer of our faith. God in the flesh, one portion of God's three-in-one ness. He is entirely god and entirely man. He is my joy and my salvation. Jesus is the most influential individual to ever walk the earth. He is infinite, yet He meets me where I'm at and understands my struggles. He is my redeemer.

Who is Jesus?
Jesus is one-third of the triune God of the universe, he is the Christ. He was sent by the father to restore humanities broken relationship with Himself. He is the prince of peace. He humbled himself to the point of wrapping himself in flesh and being persecuted by His own creation even to the point of dying on a cross for our salvation. He is Holy and blameless and he is the perfect example of what it means to be in relationship with the father.

God is good, all the time, and all the time, He is good!

Lord, we give you this day, establish your kingdom on our campuses and places of work, do your will in our lives and the lives of those around us, glorify your Holy name and spread your reputation in our hearts and across the globe as the one we know and love you to be!

1 comment:

  1. Bazinga.

    The writing on my hand as of yesterday afternoon says: "Who is Jesus?"
