This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Make yourself real...and in the process make me real!

Page 28 first real paragraph..." Jesus teaches us to pray this petition first because it is what He prays first!...at the center of Jesus' being, at the center of Jesus' identity and mission is His passion for His Father's name being hallowed."

This passion & mission at Jesus' core made everything He did "real" (Eternal). What lies at the center of my core? What do i allow to drive me? I notice in myself that when I pray and live this first petition I experience a realness to life unmatched by any other thing in the world! My conversations, thoughts, actions, and reactions all pulsate with Trinitarian life aka the Fathers name being hallowed.

"Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be YOUR NAME...on earth as it is in Heaven"!

The greatest discovery the spirit has revealed to me over the years is found in the last 2 sentences of this chapter. Jesus is the Fathers answer to all the petitions. Follow me here for a minute:

Reid - "Father, hallow your name here on earth as it is in heaven"
Yahweh - "I have and I am in and through Jesus"
Reid - "Father your Kingdom come..."
Yahweh - "It has and is in and through Jesus"
Reid - Father your will be done.."
Yahweh- "It has and is being done in and through Jesus"
Reid - "Father Give us this day our daily bread"
Yahweh - "I already have...Jesus"
Reid - "Father Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one"
Yahweh - "I have given you Jesus to follow and i have and will deliver you in and through Jesus!

Do you see what i mean! The one who teaches us to pray this prayer is the answer to the prayer!!!!! (I typed that is my best Darrell impersonation voice)

Love you guys - love studying with you, love blogging with you, love Jesus with you!



  1. How would who I am and what I do change if my passion and mission was truly that of Jesus', to have the Father's name be hallowed? How powerful and all encompassing would that change be?

    That's a solid Darrell impersonation. Reid, this study is so fluid and full of truth. Thank you for leading us in this adventure.

  2. You got it Bro! I think your picture shouldnt be a little robot but should be your beard!
