This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Shamless Father...Boo-Bam!

Boo-Bam is all i could say after listening to that sermon for the 1 billionth time and still asking myself how many more times until i get it? My Prayer all morning has been, "God, give us as much as we need of you today to be your children". The quote by Mother Teresa, "When we pray we expand our ability to receive" - Holy sheep island! If that is not motivation to pray without ceasing like the Apostle Paul instructs i don't know what is!

Father, holify your name! Bring your Kingdom - Do your Will.



  1. haha that's the right quote I meant! so awesome!

  2. Dear God, clear out the temple in my heart for your presence.
