This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Come Lord Jesus Come: Justification Of Grace!

Come Lord Jesus Come: Justification Of Grace!: "God did this to demonstrate God's righteousness! God's holiness demanded a sacrifice; God's love provided it! I look forward to the next 10..."

I liked the part about propitiation. It is hard for us to accept. It can be hard to get students I work with to accept it. It's the scandal of grace.

Really? It's finished? It's Done? It's dealt with? I don't have to do anything? But, I've been so bad...I hear all the time. We feel we have to earn it, not that we will be righteous, I think we get that, but do something in order to be worthy of the gift.

It's easy to say, Oh I'm past that I get it....but do we? Do we compare ourselves to others in our own walks with Christ? Do we make a ladder out of bible studies, going to church, missions etc? Yeah it's true those things can bring us into a more intimate relationship with Christ, but do we ever make them a end in themselves?

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