This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thoughts from "It is Finished":

The reading from chapter one really impressed upon me this paradox that we trap ourselves in: we know we have fallen so helplessly short and cannot possibly measure up, but we try again and again to justify ourselves by our own righteousness. Why do we try on our own anyway when we know we can't do it? We see pretty clearly (whether we realize it or not) the greater issue, but it's so hard for us to see the only possible answer - that God appease His own wrath with Himself!

It all makes such perfect sense - because, of course, it's the only possible way - but it's so hard for us to (a) see it in the first place, and (b) live like it's true.

PS - Anybody else STOKED when they saw the "boys will be boys" line on page 19?

1 comment:

  1. We'll never succeed at justifying ourselves and our attempts to do so are a vicious positive feedback cycle. We become so trapped spinning ourselves in circles that we can't even see the scenery of His love, grace, and mercy that surrounds us.

    Yes! So stoked!
