This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Peace on Earth

So. The more I listen to this message. The more I hear the lyrics of U2's Peace on Earth. "Heaven on Earth, We need it now." I am shame-full. I devour and destroy in so many benign ways to bury shame with "I'm good enough, smart enough, people like me." I smack down another piece of pie with little conscience on the heels of biggest loser. 80% of the population lives on less than $10.00 a day and I spend as much time and time again on coffee breaks. The world comes to my shame palace asking for a crust of bread and I'm too busy worshipping my own image/culture of fine food and comfort. When will my hard heart share the abundance of my Father's house and bleed/hurt/weep/wail/cry/stoop/break/serve to God's shameless glory? Dear God, please come to my earth and invade it with heaven. Give me the courage to trust. TRUST,TRUST,TRUST. Bring light to my darkness and destroy it with fire. Shine. Thanks for triple stamping my double stamp and destroying me when I sought to devour your body and your blood on the cross. Well played Jesus. Well played.


  1. You can't triple stamp a double stamp... you can't triple stamp a double stamp

  2. I me gusta this very much

    totally agree - I find myself being so focused and concerned and worried about my own goals - I can't do anything by cry out to God to save me from myself! Kind of like the John Foreman song appropriately titled "Save me from myself"

  3. Eric - "Thanks Lloyd."

    Trevor - "BINGO!!!"
