This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Who do we belong to?

Man, this questions has consumed me my whole life and I've rationalized false answers in all places. If I say I belong to my parents, then I have little worth. I have no earthly father, and I consistently need to pursue my relationship with my mother, otherwise it does not really exist.

Okay, well what if I belong to UC Davis and College Life? That sounds nice. I'm a student like everyone else. I am a contributing member of a fellowship! But what kind of master is this? This lends toward me being mastered by my achievements and failures. I would be defined by unforgiving goals (whether or not I get an A or spend enough time at certain events). I don't belong to these.

Here is a tricky one. What if I belong to myself? I can run my own life and choose what I think is best. It would be great to belong to no one, since that would seem to be perfect freedom. It's frustrating that I am prone to this, even though my physics, emotional, and spiritual capacity is crushed in this setting.

What about my Father in heaven whose name is hallowed on earth as it already is in heaven? The Father who orchestrated the greatest rescue in all eternity. What does it mean to belong to Him? First, we DO belong to Him whether we live to please Him or not because He humbled himself to bear our shame. Second, this is a master who aches for us to come home. To see those eyes filled with compassion and enter that sweet embrace. As Darrell Johnson said, "it is safe to come home. It matters not what you have done or not done. Just come home" because measuring up is not on the Father's heart. Who else could we belong to who treats us like this? True freedom appears to me in the fact that... Well this song says it better than I can:

I am full of earth
You are heaven’s worth
I am stained with dirt, prone to depravity
You are everything that is bright and clean
The antonym of me
You are divinity
But a certain sign of grace is this
From a broken earth flowers come up
Pushing through the dirt

You are holy, holy, holy
All heaven cries “Holy, holy God”
You are holy, holy, holy
I wanna be holy like You are

You are everything that is bright and clean
And You’re covering me with Your majesty
And the truest sign of grace was this
From wounded hands redemption fell down
Liberating man

You are holy, holy, holy
All heaven cries “Holy, holy God”
You are holy, holy, holy
I want to be holy like You are

But the harder I try the more clearly can I feel
The depth of our fall and the weight of it all
And so this might could be the most impossible thing
Your grandness in me making me clean

Glory, hallelujah
Glory, glory, hallelujah
You are holy, holy, holy
All heaven cries “Holy, holy God”
You are holy, holy, holy
I want to be holy, holy God

So here I am, all of me
Finally everything
Wholly, wholly, wholly
I am wholly, wholly, wholly
I am wholly, wholly, wholly Yours
I am wholly Yours

In all my life I have sought to earn love from anyone or anything. Why search, bargain, or struggle? This great love is here. I don't have to do anything but "come home" whenever I get lost. We are wholly His, anyway. This is the best news ever! This next song pretty much describes the liberation I felt the first time I ever "came home".

I can finally see
That you're right there beside me

I am not my own
For I have been made new
Please don't let me go
I desperately need you

So I just wanted to share the beauty with which God has been reminding who I belong to through this school year. Without such reminders, I'd be having all sorts of trouble. But God is good and faithful. And He wins... as He always does.

It is a complete privilege to be treking through this with you guys. Like if I am overwhelmed at the magnitude of a blessing that this is. This is a family! Praise God that He gives us what we need when we need it. Shoot, He is super good at what He does!

And this now ends my first blog post ever!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for blessing us with this post, Zach! I love, love, LOVE that Crowder song. I'm excited that you've started blogging, and I can't wait to hear more of your thoughts as we journey through these next couple of weeks.
