This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 12

Two points in Part 2 of the Prodigal Father took my breath away, and one more brought me to tears.

First, in Luke 15:28 (ESV) "But [the older son] was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him." The TNIV says "His father went out and pleaded with him." Pleaded with him to see life from the father's perspective. Through his eyes. From his heart. See his brother through his father's eyes and from his father's heart. Everything changes when you see life, people, situations through His eyes and from His heart.

Second, about that wretched Part 3 of the younger son's speech. "The older son has been living part 3 of the younger son's speech his ENTIRE LIFE!" Shoot! In my heartless, selfish, religious, justification by works, shameful lifestlye, I deny the Father's acceptance of me as a son (refuse to see life from His perspective, through His eyes and His heart) and live as though I am a hired hand and instead find my worth in what I can bring to Him. This means that often, like the older son, I do not "approve" of the grace my Father shows the younger son, since he brings literally nothing. But how much more do I not accept that grace myself? How often do I work to try and find acceptance as a hired servant. That's all I could be, right? I need to do it all, right? I need to serve here, build relationship there, attend this, read that, right? I don't belong otherwise, right? False.

Lastly, oh boy. This ripped me apart. By His grace I've known from a young age that He spilled His blood on the cross to wash away my sins. But wow. My sin, my religion, my self-righteous desire to honor His name, also put Him there? I beat Him, whipped Him, mocked Him, crucified Him. Mocked a God that shows mercy because it looks weak. Mocked a God that loves because it looks undignified. Mocked a God that shows grace because I don't think I need it.

Brings to mind the song "In God's Name" by Dakona. The last lines go like this:
And we all got our ways to justify the things we hate
We all got our ways of throwing the first stone
But if you wanna hate, then please leave God alone

How often do I justify hating/ignoring/abusing/disregarding/belittling/discouraging "younger brothers" because they bring nothing. And as the song talks about, I do it in God's name!

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."


  1. I can relate. Thanks Mike. Okay, now off to repent for lacking compassion for those who lack compassion. I ALWAYS DO THAT!!!!
