This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Friday, December 17, 2010

We're all addicts.

"Addiciton is the most powerful psychic enemy of humanity's desire for God."

If Hell is the ultimate dehumanization, then I think covetousness is one of the biggest ways we fall victim to a lifestyle that goes against out humanness, because life in subjection to addiction is one of the most hellish ways to live.

Guys, I have been running on empty for months. I am burdened by an intense dissatisfaction, because the only thing I truly have to hold on to - my Abba - isn't enough for my restless heart. And as I try to cling to all the other things I think I can or need to hold on to, I realize they will never satisfy. Why am I starving myself from the One thing that will truly satisfy?

But at the same time, all of that I kind of knew pre-yesterday. It was good to hear - it's always good to hear - but what I really, really needed to hear was the end part of the sermon.

"Grace is the most powerful force in the universe. It can transcend repression, addiction, and every other internal or external power that seeks to oppress the freedom of the human heart."

During my quiet time yesterday, I found myself literally (Bahahah, Simply Christian. Yes, literally.) weeping along with John as I read Revelation 5. The full weight of the fact that no one was found in heaven or on earth or under the earth to take the scroll hit me once again. It is so easy for me to hear the first half of Darrell's message, and to have my addictions and idols exposed to me, but so often I stop at Revelation 5:4. I leave myself sitting in despair at the sight of my brokenness.

But the Lamb! "Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals."

So we, like all the Revelation characters, worship the Lamb who took the scroll for us. I'm realizing that the most powerful form of worship is not acted out in song or a prayer, but the decisions we make in our day-to-day lives. He doesn't want me to belt out my favorite worship songs if I'm just going to leave the service and choose my idols and addictions again. When I say no to addictions and yes to God, I give Him the honor He deserves by making Him the most important desire in my life.

I love that this sermon is coming so close to the end of our time together. I think it sums up so many other things we studied. There's the dehumanization chapter from Following Jesus, "Give us this day..." from 57 Words tells us how he provides all we ever need, Darrell's earlier sermons on the Prodigal Father show how neither son was satisfied with just the love and providence of their father. So much more is wrapped up in this commandment than we give it credit for.


  1. Man, such a powerful post.

    "It's so simple, but it isn't easy"

    The things that are much easier to grasp and be filled by end up being way more complex and complicated. They draw us into pain and discontent instead of leading us toward truth and fulfillment.

    Thanks too, for the last paragraph. How beautiful the pieces fit together.

  2. "But the Lamb!"

    All our hope is found in the one who came to fulfill and free us. Thank you Pearl for this post, I love how connected everything is. Along with you, my weeping turns to tears of joy because Abba came through. Always faithful, always good. I am truly blessed by your sharing of this intense story and His astounding and consuming love for us - and that when we soak ourselves in it, thus being filled and fully human, we bring more glory and pleasure to His name than in any other way.
