This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Humans: Handle with care

"And the way we keep the wonderful instrument in tune is to play it- to play it for all its worth; to practice reflecting the image of God, which you do through worship, and love and service to one another, rejoicing with the joyful and weeping with the mourners. You do it, in other words, by following Jesus."

"We go out of tune very easily. We need handling with care."

"It is a victory of the power of love over the love of power, through his creation."

"And as the power of that love replaces the love of power, so in a measure, anticipating the last great day, God's kingdom comes, and God's will is done, on earth as it is in heaven..as we both implement his work and hasten the day, through following Jesus."

I love these quotes so much. It shows how delicate we are. I become so frustrated by my weakness and inability to follow through on so many convictions that God puts on my heart. I go out of tune very easily. I need handling with care! More of God, less of me (so much less)! By his Grace, I get to implement the victory of love. Wow! Why does he trust an constantly out of tune human(such as myself)to cowork in his kingdom? Such Grace! Praise God that heaven is noticeable on earth. I pray that in increases and that this power of love squashes the love for that which is not God.

May we tune our instruments through faith and obedience. And may we make a joyful noise with the beauty of life that he has given us!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Zac. Surrendering to the music and allowing music to move in us and through us and animate our flesh is a vivid analogy of faith for me. Glad to see God trusts you to trust him. Kind of sounds like a dance.
