This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not directly related to the reading...

... but here's where my heart's at.

I realized on Monday that I had wandered so far from the LORD without even realizing. Everything seemed "ok" on the surface, I "felt fine" - but I wasn't. I had become completely self-reliant, and I had forgotten to abide in His love. Between last Tuesday and this Monday, I was relying more and more on my own strength, but - because everything seemed to be going ok - I didn't even notice until days later, and it hit be pretty unexpectedly.

But His love is SO strong, and He pulled me back into His arms as soon as I realized that I was trying to pull away.

Hopefully I'll have something constructive to say after I spend some good time with the reading later on today. Diligence has definitely slipped away from me the past couple of days. I've been doing the readings, but I haven't been doing the readings. But I'm back and I'm stoked.

He is so faithful and so good. Last night at College Life, we had our quarterly open-mic night to celebrate the end of the quarter. As always, I am astounded by how much good He has been doing that I have been blinded to all quarter. And then I'm even more astounded that He chooses to open my eyes to see all that good after I've been so faithless.

Thanks, Abba.

1 comment:

  1. I read your post and heard this song:

    Open up the skies of mercy
    And rain down the cleansing flood
    Healing waters rise around us
    Hear our cries Lord let 'em rise

    It's your kindness Lord
    That leads us to repentance
