This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 45

"God's dimension and our dimension - heaven and earth - overlap and interlock" Simply Christian, page 128.

Stanford's talk on God's transcendence and immanence is running through my head when I read this chapter. The Spirit of God is a perfect picture of that cosmic duality of God. So close, so personal, there to guide us in every step of our journey, yet so powerful, so wonderful that we can read all the books we want on the Spirit and just skim the surface of the ways the Spirit is moving in the world. For most of my life, I've stuck the Spirit in that box Wright talked about, expecting Him to move in "spectacular 'supernatural' events" rather than seeing His faithfulness in daily quiet times, humble service projects and honest relationships. I've come to understand the Spirit as our Counselor, there to sharpen, convict and empower me as God works through me, and the church, to bring heaven down to earth.

This chapter feels like a different angle on "Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven," which took me back to 57 Words. Darrell reminds us that praying this petition is "one of, if not the most radical thing a human being can do, for it turns out that in this petition we are asking God to bring about the most massive revolution imaginable." I read this and think "Yes! This is what I want! Viva la revolucion!" Then why does the Spirit's work in my life seem stifled, almost suffocated? Oh wait... "perhaps it is that we know the coming of God's rule means the end of our rule." I see this earthly power struggle so often in daily life, and I'm reminded that the Spirit longs to empower me through discipline and trust, guiding me to freedom and Life.

Lastly, Wright writes "Without God's Spirit, there is nothing we can do that will count for God's Kingdom." Darrell follows that up with "Indeed, the kingdom is present only where Jesus Christ is King." Already, not-yet.

"At the start there was love
And life began in Him
Creation falls, Creator gives
The promise of a better day
We are not there yet
Let it come, let it come in
Love is here, Love is coming
Heaven is breaking open
Heaven is breaking open
Love came down and hope was found
Life began again
A brand new start
Yeah a brand new start
The promise of a better day
Love came down and hope was found
Now we’re waking up to a brighter day
Oh brighter day brighter day
Oh brighter day brighter day
Oh brighter day
We’ll see a brighter day" - Brighter Day by Gungor

Heaven is breaking open! Love is here. Love is coming. We have a victory we can stand in. We have a promise we can trust in. Already, not-yet.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I like the way you illustrate the weightiness of the Spirit in our lives, and follow it by humanity's doubt and desire to hold onto it's ways. It hit me that often the times I am wandering are the times when I don't notice the Spirit. Why? Because the coming of God's rule means the end of mine.

    When the Spirit's role in our life seems stifled, it would be helpful to understand that this is a problem of trust, as you said, and that we should trust the stripping of my rule so that he reigns. Thank you for blessing me with this post, brother!
