This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hi Everyone. Me+This Program So Far: Abridged

Hey guys!

For those who have no idea who this is, I'm Ben, a friend of Pearl, Zach, Mike, Alyssa and a few other Davisites you may know. I've been doing this Discipleship program throughout this Winter Quarter after hearing about how awesome it was, and I gotta say, it's been really helping me nurture my romance with God. Many new perspectives that I would never have thought of (thanks much, DJ and NT!), that had me realizing how loved I am by Him, who He is, and what it means to be in a relationship with him.

Earlier this year, I came to the realization that I've been keeping God in the back of my mind for much of my college life, only turning to him in desperation or for convenience: making him a Nanny God, if you will. And like the spoiled toddler, I never stopped to think and acknowledge that it is only because of Him, his greatest sacrifice, that I'm alive and breathing, physically and spiritually, and have purpose. I only have worth because he put it in me through his blood, emptied himself and became doulos as a means of expressing his Divinity. I didn't want to be the toddler anymore...I wanted to be a Child of God and acknowledge him to be kurios. I wanted to acknowledge the existing manifestation of his kingdom on Earth and participate in the kairos till the time of the complete unveiling. Thanks to a good conversation with Zach Evans over winter break, this stuff is now helping me learn more and more about Father, Son, and his spirit. Abba is having a party in my head as he continually moves to renew and baptize my mind (Jon Foreman song, anyone?).

While one post won't be enough to cover 26 days, there are a few thoughts that definitely stick out (you guys have already picked out the bits I've already thrown out there). Those that aren't on this post may spawn as comments on posts here and there.

Prayer has been a neglected area of my life: 57 Words has helped me realize the Swiss army knife of all Swiss army knives for all desires and needs, the Lord's Prayer, has been right there all along. Amazing that with this little collection of words, all is encompassed: one of the best gifts ever, the needs of the Christian life embodied!

It's so awesome that he puts both the "you" and "us" in the prayer: he CARES about our requests. "We can, therefore, dare to hope that when we pray something happens." Yet the way he's set up the prayer makes sure that our agendas are put in the proper perspective, to make sure I know what he's prescribed completely fulfills my needs in a way my self-medication never could! If we come to him the way he's meant us to, he has absolutely EVERYTHING covered! So do it God, your agenda be done forevermore.

I can think of so many points this last year alone where I wanted my will to be done but God simply said "I've got something else in mind" and turned my view on a situation upside down with the results of his own will. Looking back, I never once saw that the situation would have been better had it been my way---I actually saw how bad things could have turned out, that I would have thought my head had not been there at all. Recapitulation indeed!---Jesus truly is puting my head back on hour to hour, and every time I allow sin to cut it back off, he never relents, and never fails to attach it back. I imagine taking this figure of speech literally may be a bit gross, but think of how it would feel to truly lose your head, only to have sweet life coming rushing back to you through the loving will of the Father? I could think of no greater pleasure---and that's what's to come of following his will on TOP of being part of the grandest purpose in existence? Wow.

I heard Shane Claiborne speak last Wednesday, and at one point referenced how God gave the Israelites manna to eat on a daily basis while in the wilderness, but made sure they only took enough for them to eat on that one day. Yes, this illustrates how we're supposed to have a daily dependence on God...but listening about the larger issues of poverty that Shane talked about, I realized that this idea goes so much more beyond the bond of an individual and God. What if I were to say daily dependence on God is how the world was designed to work, that everyone put their trust in God for their needs, took only what they needed to get through the day, and gave all the rest to those who had come up short? That we'd all be content with praying for God to give us our daily bread (ALL six layers) and living as God's family in solidarity and gratitude? The world would be so much better if we could all be that way....but we can't, because the world is broken at the moment, spun away from his original design while greed beats need. But that's the beauty of it, right? That it's just another power that's actually already been defeated and will eventually be swept away completely by the new kingdom.

The cross=the victory, God wins with biggest contradiction ever. I'm living in the world that's been won. I deserve to be beaten and left in chains, but Jesus's crucified body forged the key that set me free: he has made me and bought me. I can run as long as I keep my eyes on the throne of grace, the one who sits upon it, my soul anchored to hope and given away to him, anticipating the great joy to come at the end. With all these things in mind, how can one not wake up every day and say "God, you are awesome, and today's going to a great day, your glory in everything!" I've said to a couple of Davis-ites that I feel like God's got me in continual spiritual optimism: I guess that's what NT Wright calls thanksliving.

Abba, you are good. Reign in us.

Hopefully as I focus on one reading at a time from now on, my posts won't be as long.


  1. Ben, WOW! That was some great stuff! I hope you take a few minutes to go back and read what you wrote because it is the living expression of what God has been doing in your heart over the past 26 days! So often we claim not to see God moving in our lives but when we are disciplined and write..blog..what He is and has been doing we see Him alive like never before. Right on, i loved reading it. Look forward to many more!


  2. Ben,
    Thanks so much for posting! It's so exciting to hear how Yahweh is moving in your life and revealing (unveiling) himself to you through the study. So often I find myself caught up in where God has me today, in this moment, but it is so encouraging to hear you talk about where He had me just a few months ago (and I'm sure He'll bring me there again and again). God is good yesterday, today, and forever. Thank you so much for that reminder, I look forward to continuing to hear how he's continuing to call you to himself.

  3. Bro, it's been soo good to hear where the Lord is taking you through this discipleship program. I love seeing those FB statuses (status's? stati.) with various quotes from the study.

    My mind went to 57 words as well when Shane spoke on the Israelites in the wilderness. The biggest challenge for me is that each one of the pronouns in the last 3 petitions are plural, "us", "our". It's goes so far past just the individual. They truly do change the world!

    Awesome post bro, I am so excited to hear more about your experiences through these posts and hanging out!
