This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 37: A Healthy Diet of Sabbath

God couldn't have picked a better time to have me listen to DJ speak about what it means to keep the Sabbath. Going into the three day weekend, I was thinking "Awesome! A time to rest and renew!" Really didn't pan out that way: most of the time, I was working, turning pleasure into work, or not doing anything, yet not resting. Restless. How the heck did this happen?

This morning's sermon got me with the program. I really do idolize works: I realize I don't feel like I can be at peace unless I get everything I feel needs to be done done, be it school work, doing administrative work for Rock Show, hanging out with this person or that, or even reading supposedly for pleasure etc, etc, etc. A lot of the time I don't even think about using the time to seek God further. I even neglect doing essential things like eating or sleeping enough, which pretty much makes for a bad cycle. Nowhere in there did I just sit back and say "God's got this". This sermon had it right. I can easily say "It's in God's hands, I trust him" about stuff far away in the future, but have a really hard time with DOING the same about PRESENT activities. I'm trying to go with my own rhythm (aka plow on until everything's done), since I won't trust any other kind; but doing so will physically and spiritually kill me.

I probably should put a good amount of attention on the practice of CHANGE. I'm totally over committing by trying to wedge the "me's" in between God's will of having me rest---no trust, no freedom. SEEK probably comes a close second---I really do need to remember that it's not all about rest: it's no wonder I'm having trouble if I'm not focusing on the whole point of what the Sabbath's about!

Pearl was kind enough to share a point from your guys' Revelation study, about how "Things are not as they seem"---how the things we don't easily see can be in both triumphant and subordinate ways: Jesus has already conquered the evil forces (cue cheers), AND we can't do it without God (er...). Neglecting the Sabbath's no small thing...it's a symptom of a bigger problem. Can't not obey the 4th without not obeying the 1st.

Yep...in the life of a college kid, it's easy to fall into having a bad diet of sorts---and it doesn't end at food or drink. Having reliance on God can end up on the backburner while one dashes to clean up one clutter in corner of life and then the next. Pretty soon, we end up overweight on our own material gluttony or drained to the bone in weakness and despair. We need that weekly 6+1----the day of rest, devoted to the Father. God wants us healthy in every aspect, and I guess this commandment is an essential part of his meal plan.

To end on the positive, the concept that God has something extra saved for us that we can experience only through the Sabbath is entirely new to me. I love it...I love it whenever I have a realization about just how good a divine romance is. The more I learn, the easier it gets for me to say with a zeal "deep is the Father's love for us"!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben, Loved your post! I just got done speaking to a bunch of Junior High students at a christian school. The topic was....."God cares more about and people are more impacted by CHARACTER and MATURITY rather than SKILL and ABILITY. Character and maturity are only achieved by being in relationship with one of perfect maturity and perfect Character.... JESUS! Holiness is only achieved by being in relationship with one that is Holy...JESUS! So often we are taught in the church skill and ability in our relationship with Jesus but it simply (as you posted) doesnt work! When we take a skill and ability approach to our relationship with Jesus the only thing we get good at is hidding our sin! The older i am getting the more i am realizing that sabbath moments are happening all the time! 5, 6, 7, times a day! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday......Holy Sabbath! Holy Sabbath indeed!

