This blog is designed to be a place where we can encourage and challenge one another as we follow the risen Lord Jesus together!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

An earlier Post

We really need to internalize this quote - "when we allow anything to come between us and the living God, our hearts begin to crave anything that promises satisfaction.....we become souls running on empty desiring anything and everything that will fulfill the hole in the soul."

I was reminded of this and thought it was a good reminder for all of us. We can even fill that Hole with good things like serving and giving. However that will not fill the whole! We can run on it for a little while but eventually our soul will return to empty. Only the Living God and His presence can fill the whole. The Lamb is the lamp! The Lamb is the lamp that sheds light in that new city. The Lamb, The Lamb, It all about the Lamb! (Revelation 21-22)

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! It's almost always the good thing that replaces the Living God in our lives. When we begin to feel like the main access point to God is that thing (which we always think will turn us around and recenter us!), we start streaking down a path of darkness and emptiness. I do this so often.

    The access point to God is the Lamb, the incarnate Word of God who came to dwell among us!! May we seek His face and no other.
